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Changing Australia’s tax policies to improve the economy, boost wages and balance the budget will be at the heart of a summit to be held in Canberra.
Independent MP Allegra Spender has organised a tax roundtable at Parliament House on Friday bringing together some of the nation’s experts.
They include former Treasury secretary Ken Henry , Grattan Institute CEO Danielle Wood and Professor Robert Breunig from the Australian National University’s Tax and Transfer Policy Institute.
Ms Spender said an ageing population, shrinking workforce and changes in technology demanded a rethink of tax policy.
“If the major parties aren’t interested in tax reform, that is their choice,” she said.
“But I will work to ensure that it is on the agenda at the next election, that the major parties feel compelled to develop reform proposals and, if elected, to legislate real change.”
On the agenda will be the tax and growth challenges facing Australia in 2035, the appropriate tax policy settings and the keys to delivering tax reform.
Paul Osborne
(Australian Associated Press)