‘Someone’s watching you’: TikTok warning for families

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Australians have been warned to do their homework before downloading TikTok as concerns grow over security fears.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil will soon receive a review into privacy, political censorship, and disinformation on the Chinese-owned social media app.

The US, Canada, and the European Union have banned government employees from having TikTok on work-issued devices.

Cabinet Minister Tanya Plibersek urged the community to reconsider the apps they used, and what data they were handing over.

“It’s important to know what you’re letting yourself in for when you’re participating in social media in this way,” Ms Plibersek said on Monday.

“It’s important that you know what your kids are downloading on to their phones as well.”

Ms Plibersek said when it came to social media apps, “if it’s for free and it seems too good to be true, it probably is”.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce said he didn’t have the app on his phone as it was Chinese-owned.

“If we lost TikTok, I don’t think Australia would be a worse place,” he said.

“As you’re watching it (TikTok) someone’s watching you or at least taking into account the data that you use and how you use it.”

In response to questions posed by opposition cyber spokesman James Paterson, the company which owns TikTok acknowledged Australian data could be harvested, and companies could be compelled under Chinese laws to hand over information.


Tess Ikonomou
(Australian Associated Press)


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